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Glacial Walker

Glacial Walker.

The Glacial Walker is a land type pet, and is considered one of the best free tanking pets in the game. It is the only member of the Walker pet group. It cannot eat Perfect Cookies Icon [Perfect Cookies].

Monster Statistics[]

Level 26
Type Land
Aggressive? No
Health 1,948



  • Wave Breaker Cliffs: (660, 175 ↑24), (660, 178 ↑24), (667, 171 ↑24), (666, 179 ↑24)

Pet Statistics[]

  • Cost to hatch: 130 Silver Coins
  • Cost to revert to egg: 650 Silver Coins
  • Food type(s): Pure Water
  • Evolves to: Supreme Walker
Default Skills
Name Level Cooldown Description
Icicle Pet Icon Icicle28 secondsThrow an icicle at the enemy, inflicting Water damage equal to 155% of Pet's base physical damage.
Roar Pet Icon Roar215 secondsRoar to attract enemy's attacks.
Tough Pet Icon Tough260 secondsReduce damage taken by 35% for 15 secs.
Pet Stats
Level HP Phys. Res. Mag. Res. Attack Speed Damage Accuracy Evade Move. Speed
Savage Wild Tame Loyal
26 901 2302 1688 0.6/sec 216 288 361 508 380 282 5.6m/s
50 1753 4702 3448 0.6/sec 597 796 995 1194 740 548 5.8m/s
75 2641 7202 5281 0.6/sec 1178 1571 1964 2356 1115 826 6.1m/s
100 3528 9702 7115 0.6/sec 1950 2600 3251 3901 1490 1104 6.3m/s

See Also[]
