Bashes with your shield, hitting all enemies within 8 meters of the target, dealing physical damage equal to your base Physical Attack plus 6238. Also stuns the target for 2 second.
Sanguine Glyph Effect: Lv1-4: Upon landing a critical hit, deals an additional Penetration damage equal to 2% of your Max HP, but no more than 10% of the target's Max HP. Not effective against monsters. Lv5-7: Upon landing a critical hit, deals an additional Penetration damage equal to 3% of your Max HP, but no more than 10% of the target's Max HP. Not effective against monsters. Lv8-9: Upon landing a critical hit, deals an additional Penetration damage equal to 4% of your Max HP, but no more than 10% of the target's Max HP. Not effective against monsters. Lv10: Upon landing a critical hit, deals an additional Penetration damage equal to 5% of your Max HP, but no more than 10% of the target's Max HP. Not effective against monsters.