Dueling is a feature that allows players to fight 1 vs 1 against each other, with no PK Mode required. Dueling can occur inside and outside of towns and cities, and in many dungeons, though some dungeons may not allow players to actually attack each other, or they may not allow players to duel at all. Dueling has a restriction of Guardian and Spirit charms not being able to replenish Health or Mana during the fight.
Starting a Duel[ | ]
A player can challenge another player to a duel by right clicking on the target's avatar to bring up the player actions menu. There they have the option to request a duel. The target player can choose to accept or reject the duel. If the duel request is accepted a 3 second countdown will begin and the duel will start.
Win Conditions[ | ]
The winner is declared when the opposing player is left with 1 Health point. Players cannot be killed during duels and will always have a minimum of 1 Health point left regardless of how much damage was dealt to them. After a winner is declared the duel will end and a local system announcement will show the results.
If both players are left with a minimum of 1 Health point the duel will be declared to be a draw. If neither player manages to lower the target's health to 1 then the duel's timer will run out and the duel will be declared to be a draw. If players run out of the duel's range then the duel will end and it will be declared to be a draw.