Dream Grove, also known as the Couple Instance, is a type of dungeon for players that are married. You must be level 20+ to enter the dungeon. Equipment is not required, though it is recommended to bring a weapon that allows you to do ranged physical damage, if possible (such as a Bow and some ammo to shoot the Bow). The dungeon can be completed twice a week and will reset on Monday at 12am server time. Completing the dungeon will reward the couple with 150 Romance Points each for a total of 300 Romance Points.
Map[ | ]
Overview[ | ]
To enter the instance, the married couple must first squad up - it does not matter which player is leading the squad. Both players should gather at the Matchmaker Servant in West Archosaur (523, 655). The squad leader can then talk to the Matchmaker Servant and select the "Enter Dream Grove" quest to teleport both players in.
Once inside, either player can talk to the Apostle of Romance and select the "Start Trial" quest to begin the dungeon's trial. To activate the dungeon a second time during the same week, the player who did not activate the dungeon yet for the week should take the "Start Trial" quest. For example, if the husband picked up the "Start Trial" quest for the first run, then the wife can pick it up on the next run.
The players will be told to head to the island at the center of the lake, which is located southeast of where you have been teleported in. On your way, you will see a massive tower with a pink and a white path. Your goal is to reach the very top of that tower by working together and communicating. It is recommended to use squad chat or voice chat to coordinate as you both climb up parts of the tower.
Each player must choose the path they want to climb up (pink or white) and can choose whichever color they want - it is not restricted by gender. Once you have stood on one of the paths you must climb that path for the entire trial. If you try to climb up on the opposite path, you will be knocked off to the ground below.
If you fall into the water by accident, you will not be able to swim normally at the surface as you will continuously rubberband. Dive down to the bottom of the water and swim from there instead to make it back to shore. You can also use a Teleport Incense which will teleport you back at the beginning.
There is a Reset Wooden Stake on the island between the beginning of the two paths. Hitting this stake will reset the level, but you can only do this twice. Only reset the level if an error has occurred on the path preventing you from climbing up any higher, or if you run out of time at the top of the tower. This will simply reset the level but will not reposition the two players.
Climbing the Tower[ | ]
Both players should choose the path they want to climb up before beginning - pink or white. When you have decided, stand at the beginning of your chosen path.
Note: From here on, the player on the white path will be referred to as the "White Player", and the player on the pink path will be referred to as the "Pink Player" to avoid confusion.
First Part: The First Door[ | ]
On both paths, there will be a door blocking each player from progressing. Both players must work together to remove both of the doors so that they can continue to climb.
Step 1[ | ]
The White Player will see a button on their path which they should stand on and stay on until the first door is unlocked. Once the White Player stands on the button, a platform on the pink path will appear with a Trigger that the Pink Player can talk to.
Step 2[ | ]
The Pink Player should jump onto the platform that appeared and talk to the Trigger and select the "Turn on Switch" option. It should say that "Dragon, Phoenix, and Tiger" are carved on the button. Select the first option "Press three times". Wait patiently and the doors on the white and pink path will slowly disappear.
Step 3[ | ]
Let the Pink Player jump back onto their path first, and then the White Player can walk off the button and both players can continue climbing up the tower.
Second Part: Portals and Gap[ | ]
As you climb up the tower you will see that there are gaps on both paths - you will need to fill the gap in so that both players can continue to climb safely. You can attempt to use the Holy Path Genie Skill and jump past the gap, but it is better to fill the gap as you may have to climb the tower again if you fall off. You may also risk failing the trial if you skip parts of it altogether.
Step 1[ | ]
On the white path will be two different sections with portals which will take the White Player to other places on the tower - do not enter any portals yet. On the pink path, the Pink Player will see a button which they should stand on and stay on until instructed to move. When the Pink Player stands on the button, a white platform with a portal on it will appear nearby which has a Trigger on it.
Step 2[ | ]
The White Player should go up to the second portal on their path (don't use the first portal yet). There is a gray-white block near this portal - jump over it to avoid being knocked off your path. Enter the portal to teleport to the platform that the Pink Player summoned. The White Player should talk to the Trigger and select the "Turn on Switch" option. It should say that "Dragon, Phoenix, and Crane" are carved on the button. Select the third option "Press four times". Wait patiently and you will see that a white platform has appeared nearby, to the northwest.
Step 3[ | ]
To get onto the smaller white platform that just appeared, the White Player should enter the portal on the platform they are currently standing on. Once the White Player has been teleported to the smaller platform, talk to the Trigger and select the "Turn on Switch" option. It should say that "Dragon, Tiger, and Crane" are carved on the button. Select the first option "Press four times". Wait patiently and another white platform will appear above the one that the Pink Player summoned. This new platform has a button that needs to be pressed.
Step 4[ | ]
The White Player should jump off the small platform back onto their path and climb back up. This time, the White Player should enter the first portal on their path. They will appear on the new platform they have summoned and can stand on the button. After standing on this button a platform will appear on the pink path. The Pink Player can now move from their button, and the White Player can jump down to the ground, climb up the tower again, and wait.
Step 5[ | ]
The platform on the pink path cannot be accessed so easily because there is a door in the way. The Pink Player will need to move up their path a little bit and jump down to the platform to get onto it. Once they are on the platform, they will see a Trigger they can talk to. Talk to the Trigger and select the "Turn on Switch" option. It should say that "Phoenix, Tiger, and Crane" are carved on the button. Select the first option "Press twice". Wait patiently and you will see a platform appear on the white path. A white block will appear above the pink platform, and a pink block will appear on the white platform. The door on the pink platform will disappear. The Pink Player should stay where they are for the moment.
Step 6[ | ]
The platform on the white path cannot be accessed so easily because there is a door in the way, just like the platform on the pink path. The White Player will need to move up their path a little bit and jump down to the platform to get onto it. Once they are on the platform, they will see a Trigger they can talk to. Talk to the Trigger and select the "Turn on Switch" option. It should say that "Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger, and Crane" are carved on the button. Select the first option "Press four times". Wait patiently and the door on the white platform will disappear. Do not leave these platforms yet.
Step 7[ | ]
To get past the gap, each player must hit the floating colored block above their platform. These blocks are immune to elemental attacks so you will need to use a physical attack on them. You should be able to hit them with a normal melee attack, but you may need to use a ranged physical attack if you are the Pink Player. Once you have hit the floating colored block, it will float over to the path that corresponds with its color and fill up the gap on the path. Both players will now be able to continue climbing the tower.
Third Part: The Second Door[ | ]
On both paths, there will eventually be a door blocking each player from progressing. Both players must work together to remove both of the doors so they can continue to climb.
Step 1[ | ]
The White Player does not need to do anything at the moment. As the Pink Player moves up their path they will come across a small genie. As they approach the genie it will begin to run away to a nearby section with a button on it. Follow the genie onto this section but be careful - there is a darker pink block in the middle of the section that will knock you off the path. Jump over the section to reach the genie and attack it with a physical attack. It will then disappear, and a second section will appear on the White Player's path. You do not need to press the button at the end of the section but it will spawn some flowers and fireworks if you do.
Step 2[ | ]
The Pink Player should move further up the path. They will see a section with a portal on it, but don't go there yet - there are 2 darker pink blocks that will knock you off the path and are difficult to jump over. Instead, continue up the path and you will see a bunny. Hit the bunny once (you do not need to kill it). The bunny should then move and reveal that it was standing on a button. Now that it is no longer on the button, the 2 darker pink blocks on the section below (with the portal) should disappear, allowing you to safely walk along that section. Move to that section but don't walk through the portal yet.
Step 3[ | ]
The White Player can continue up the path. Go to the second section that appeared when the Pink Player hit the genie - the first section's button will just spawn some flowers and fireworks and has no other function. Stand on the button at the end of the section and stay there until instructed to move. A white platform will appear nearby, which the Pink Player will need to move to (it is safe for the Pink Player to stand on this platform; it will not knock them off).
Step 4[ | ]
The Pink Player can now enter the portal on the section they are waiting on. They will be teleported to the white platform that the White Player spawned. Stand on the button on the platform. An on-screen message will tell you to wait for a while. Eventually, another portal will appear on the white platform. The Pink Player can go through that portal to be teleported back to their pink path. The White Player can now move away from the button. Both doors on both paths will have disappeared, and both players can continue climbing the tower.
Fourth Part: The Third Door[ | ]
On both paths, there will eventually be a door blocking each player from progressing. There is a large platform in the middle of the tower with white and pink blocks, which both players will eventually need to get on and navigate carefully to unlock the doors.
Step 1[ | ]
The Pink Player does not need to do anything at the moment. As the White Player moves up their path they will come across a small section with a blue ball on it. There will also be a gray-white block next to it which will knock you off the path if you are not careful. Jump to the small section sticking out where the blue ball is, and slowly inch towards the blue ball (and the gray-white block). Once you are close enough, you will be knocked onto the platform. Try to position yourself so you land on a white block - if you land on a pink block you will be knocked off the platform to the ground below, and will have to climb back up. You may have to try this a few times to land on the platform correctly.
When you are on the platform, you will notice in one corner there is a button on a white block. Jump across using the white blocks to get to this button, and be careful to avoid the pink blocks. Once you have reached the button, stand on it and stay there until instructed to move. A platform with a Trigger on it will appear on the pink path near the door blocking the path, but it cannot be accessed easily.
Step 2[ | ]
The Pink Player can now move forwards on their path until they reach a small platform which will lead to the large platform in the middle of the tower. Jump onto a pink block on the large platform - be careful not to land on a white block or you will be knocked off the platform to the ground below. In one corner of the platform, you will notice a portal. Jump across using the pink blocks to get to this portal, and then go through it. You will land on a small platform near the door blocking your path that the White Player summoned. Talk to the Trigger and select the "Turn on Switch" option. It should say that "Dragon, Crane, and an unrecognizable figure" are carved on the button. Select the second option "Press four times". Wait patiently and the doors on both paths will disappear.
Step 3[ | ]
Let the Pink Player jump from their small platform back onto their path, and then the White Player can move off the button. The White Player can fall off the corner of the platform and land on their path and continue moving up (or land on the ground and climb from the beginning - either one is fine). Both players will now be able to continue climbing the tower.
Fifth Part: The Invisible Blocks[ | ]
This is the most difficult part of the tower as it requires communication between both of the players (and a lot of trust). You must complete this part within 24 minutes. If you do not complete it in time it may be extremely difficult if not impossible to continue. If you run out of time you can reset the level using the Reset Wooden Stake at the bottom of the tower, but you will need to start over from the beginning.
At the bottom of this section are two diagrams that you can use to help cross the platforms if you are unable to use communication or have difficulty crossing the platform.
Step 1[ | ]
At the very top of the tower will be a few blocks that both players can stand on. Once both players stand on these blocks, stay on these blocks and do not move yet. One of the players will receive a Stealth Detection buff - the player that receives the buff is random, and that player will be responsible for guiding both players through this part of the tower. A large semi-invisible platform will start appearing in the middle of the tower, with one pink block and one white block in the very middle. The player with the Stealth Detection buff will be able to see most of the blocks, while the other player will only be able to see some of them. The way the players will see the blocks may be different each time they do this trial.
The next 2 steps are mainly for the player who received the Stealth Detection buff.
Step 2[ | ]
If you need help navigating the platform, there are diagrams below which you and your spouse can use to navigate the platforms.
The player with the Stealth Detection buff should look very carefully at the platform they see in front of them - they should be able to see a full platform of blocks. Only some of these blocks are safe to walk on; the other ones will make you fall to the ground below. The safer blocks are harder to see, but will appear more invisible than the other blocks around it. The player with the Stealth Detection buff should then make their way across the platform as carefully as possible. You will need to make some diagonal jumps while navigating across. Once you get to the blocks in the middle that aren't invisible, stand on the one that matches the color of your path.
Step 3[ | ]
If you are not confident with guiding your spouse through this step, there are diagrams below which you and your spouse can use to navigate the platforms.
Once the player with the Stealth Detection buff has safely made it across, they will have to guide their spouse through their side of the platform slowly and carefully. For this part, voice chat is most effective for guiding your spouse but squad chat should also suffice. Your spouse should make slow movements to ensure they don't walk too far and fall off the platform. They will also have to make some diagonal jumps. If they fall down, they can climb back up the tower and try again.
Once you and your spouse have both reached the blocks in the middle, stay there. Eventually, you will both be teleported.
Diagrams[ | ]
Below are two diagrams that each player can use to navigate the semi-invisible blocks. The diagram in blue is for the White Player, and the diagram in pink is for the Pink Player. Each player begins where the "START" blocks are and must navigate to the "END" block, following the arrow in each diagram. The more solid-colored squares are ones that are safe for you to walk along, while the lighter-colored squares are not safe and you will fall through them.
Click on each image to see a larger version of them.
Sixth Part: The End[ | ]
When both players have reached the visible blocks at the middle of the tower, they will eventually be teleported to a pink platform with roses formed in the shape of a heart. Congratulations, you have reached the end of the trial! The Apostle of Romance will eventually appear, and both players should take the quest "Trial Completed". The objectives for completing this quest are different depending on your gender:
- Males: Embrace your spouse.
- Females: Embrace your spouse, and then kiss them.
After both players leave the embrace, they should receive their 150 Romance Points reward. If you do not, make sure to embrace and then kiss to make sure both players receive the reward. You can check the Couple System window to make sure you have received the rewards - there will be a "complete" stamp, and you should have an extra 300 Weekly Karma. If you accidentally fall off the platform before receiving your reward, there is a green portal on the heart-shaped island which will bring you back up to the end platform.
Once both players have received their rewards, they will be able to leave. Make your way off the heart-shaped island and head back to where you were teleported in, to the northwest. Go to the building and you will find the Apostle of Romance there where you can leave and return to West Archosaur.